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All translations - gpadilla

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Source language
Japanese 1. まどろっこしいぜ!ブチのめして吐かせりゃあ、すむことじゃねえか!! 2....
1. まどろっこしいぜ!ブチのめして吐かせりゃあ、すむことじゃねえか!!

2. バカめ!血が・・・泣き言か・・・。いずれにしろと吐くのはきさま・・・。
Homem 1 discutindo com homem 2. Por favor alguem me explique o que significa a terminação りゃあ em 吐かせりゃあ?

Em 泣き言か, eu li que poderia ser um trocadilho entre as expressões 泣き言を吐く e 弱音を吐く. (

Man 1 discussing with Man 2. Please, somebody could explain me what's means the termination りゃあ in 吐かせりゃあ?

In the expression 泣き言か I read that could be some kind of a word play between the expressions 泣き言を吐く e 弱音を吐く. (

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Spanish Spanish